Android Development

Native Android development (java)
"CidEasyBridge" is Android based native open source Java class for manage connected Cid Easy device on OTG or USB ports on Android PC's.
The class designed for managing connected Cid Easy devices, receiving caller id informations, usb events related to device and line events connected to device and convert it to pure text informations and send it to application program.
You can download and run sample application included this class by following link.
How to Integrate your application
Android CİdEasyBridge is a complate APK solution. You can directly run it on your Android PC and test Cid Easy Devices, Project included a simple layout for displays received caller id and line events on Android pc screen.
Project included 3 java class  : MainActivity,  CidEasyBridge, UsbDataBinder is communication class for receiving and parsing data from Cid Easy device over USB. is included interfaces tor user application and UsbDataBinder connections. You can refer "onBinderLineEvent" and "onBinderCliReceived" functions in the class for how-to-integrate this classes to your own application.
Development Tip : How to move Android debug port from USB to WiFi
Cid Easy devices has only USB interface and connected to Android devices via USB ports. If you use the a single port (OTG Ported) Android devices (aka a Tablets) to development you have to move debugging connection over TCP/IP to test your applications. The following text describes how to do this :
Please find "adb.exe" location in your pc and execute followed commands on command prompt (or shell)
> adb TCPIP 5555
> adb CONNECT192.168.XXX.YYY:5555
Where the 192.168.XXX.YYY is emulator device (aka android Tablet) IP address.
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